Friday, August 24, 2007

Past time

Hey I just tried something new. I was introduced to Family Search Indexing by my visiting teacher. Curious, I decided to check into it. I got all signed up, did the tutorials (I didn't print off my certificate of completion, where would I put it?) then I did my first set of names. Can I just tell you - addicting! Now for some reason I can't get back in there, I'm waiting for my resident (well closest living) computer expert to show up today and help me figure it out. They have scan documents that are on the millions of rolls of microfilm and people are entering the info online for ease in genealogy work. I guess I can work on my genealogy! Then by going to, you can research ancestors. A whole new past time when TV sucks as it so usually does as of late.

1 comment:

Deena said...

You should print that certificate off , frame it, and hang it up proudly.