Saturday, August 4, 2007

Lounging is a state of mind

Good day for lounging. Yeah I decided not to fight it. Today instead of not being able to do much, I'm lounging. Then when people say I'm looking good, I can answer I'm working at it. "Goal accomplished." When the six week recovery is over, everyone is going to expect me to jump up and get to work so for now I'm trying to be content. I think when 6 weeks gets here I'll feel better but not 100% and that is the part I won't like. Some things people take for granted like good health, comfortable living situation, friends and yummy treats; well lets say, you don't necessary appreciate them until they are gone. Enjoy each day like it was your last. Last what? Good question!


Deena said...

Now you just needs some sexy guys with palm fronds to fan you and feed you grapes. Or chocolates.

Coordination Queen said...

Yeah I know I still didn't make those cookies... but I promise I'll bring something yummy tomorrow! And then maybe even make the cookies you want.