Monday, October 20, 2008

Walking on the Sunny Side

I was reading an article about raising a child who loves life. I was wondering if some of the same ideas could be used to be a happy adult. In a word, yes. Here are a few things I gleaned from it that I thought might be useful to me. The first and fairly easy to do, is have a strong sense of authentic gratitude and appreciate what the world offers free of charge. Lead the way by simply stopping what you're doing and express thanks for the moment. "Gratefuls" at bedtime, take a moment to reflect on the things you have to be grateful for every night.
Secondly, be a good listener without passing judgement.
Having a routine? I wondered about this with adults we seem to like adventure and variation in routine. However, there is a certain sense of security that comes from knowing things are a certain way and will be that way.
Failure...handling stress or disappointments, admitting mistakes, and changing direction are some of the most crucial skills for living a happy life. So we will not be successful at everything...kind of makes it possible to "Be Happy Without Being Perfect".
Whew, that is good to know cause perfection is not around the corner it is several miles away, but I can be happy and whistling as I stroll down the sunny (or shady) side of the street.


Physcokity said...

Perfection is on the other side of the country from me...does that mean perfection is in Charleston?

Coordination Queen said...

pk - sure does, guess that means you're moving home?