Saturday, October 4, 2008

Eeyore or Tigger

Are you an Eeyore or Tigger? Cheer Bear or Grumpy Bear? Angry, pessimist or optimist? That's what I'm talkin' about.

I would much rather be happy about things than to be grumpy. Life is so short and challenges are just that, challenges. Even if things are difficult to do or deal with they are much easier faced with a positive attitude and a smile.

Things I've found that help: exercise, fake it til I make it, not being afraid of failure (learning is good through success or failure), and yes even buying me a "treat" once in awhile. In this day of stress and turmoil, we can have inner peace and a Happy day.

Don't worry be happy! A little cliche but good advice.


Deena said...

Tigger. Sometimes Grumpy Bear. Optimist that thinks pessimistically sometimes. I definitely prefer my glass full.

Methodical Wormer said...

I love this outlook you've got. It goes well with your blog decor:) One thing I've learned lately is challenges/burdens are easier to bare when you maintain a good outlook and don't get trodden down with all the crap. I guess I still have much to learn as the same old things just won't go away.

Physcokity said...