Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pretty is as pretty does.

Well it is back to that time of year - dressing the neighborhood. Cheerleaders, chorus singers and dancers.. no one has earned a pin in the crotch yet. I know be nice. Which brings to mind, how do you handle someone who just really gets under your skin and secretly you'd like to put a bag over them , smack them and shove them down. But instead you smile sweetly and pray under your breath they will leave quickly or come and finish remodeling your bathroom. A true test of whether or not you are a nice person. I've taken all of K2 tests and I rate PG, 1980's girl next door, and back in black is my theme song. However I think there is a little not so nice girl next door hanging around the corner.


Deena said...

Yellow modeling clay.

Methodical Wormer said...

Just tell off the people you don't like... that guy still hasn't finished your bathroom??? he should be first on the list. You are letting them get away with murder. I would so call and complain and get a huge discount because that is total BS!

Physcokity said...

2 lbs of yellow modeling clay...It's the secret ingredient to eggs erroneous.

MW maybe YOU SHOULD call and teh discount angle...yeah baby, that sort of thing really is your bag