Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This post has pending for several days in my head. How to deal with change that you aren't really in favor of. Some change is good...like changing your underwear, changing your sheets, and changing your toothbrush. However the things in life that you get used to, when forced to change cause internal stress. We are faced with choices daily that force us to change. How do you get rid of that T-shirt that is full of holes and feels so comfy? How do you get rid of your favorite car that is not as dependable as it used to be? How do you go to church the same as last week when half of your friends are gone? I remember getting new and updated sewing equipment and resist using it because it was different than what I was used to. I find myself thinking and doing things to laugh off change until I can find a way to deal with it. Usually it isn't as bad as I thought it would be, that of course is after the adjustment period. They say change is good...but I say a big OUCH! So every time you change your underwear ..... well keep doing that.


Deena said...

Out with the old, in with the new. Nice new t-shirt, pimpin' new van, and some old new friends at church. At least your awesome kids are the same! And it has officially been determined that you have the cutest and most intelligent grandchildren on the planet. There's a smile for you.

Physcokity said...

Seriously you birthed a litter of genius kids with superior jeans ;D
That van will be a super sweet ride lady! And rediscovering old friends is pretty good stuff...sometimes.

Remember, when you come across items of clothing so wholly loved ask yourself: "What would Stacy & Clinton say?"

Methodical Wormer said...

If we never change, what's the point of being here?

Deena said...

Why does the Worm always have to go and be intelligent?