Friday, December 7, 2007

Mirror mirror on the wall...

I don't have a mirror yet but my new bathroom is looking pretty spiffy. I always had plenty of mirrors with four daughters that was a necessity (especially the vain ones, you know who you are). As I age, I find the mirrors especially the magnifiers are not my friend. Even though, it will be nice to have one in the bathroom. Now .....what is the next project? After this season of sewing I think I'll build a playground with my old deck.....Yes, me. I've got tons of ideas and want to build something. That way the house won't get torn up. Positives on both counts, even though my kids are all gone.


Coordination Queen said...

Monkey boy will love it!

Deena said...

I was only vain when I was trying to vain to fix my hair. So I know you're not talking to me!