Monday, July 7, 2008

Cleaning or lack of

Does anybody know how to clean a house really good? It has gotten so bad I save the merry maid ad list of tasks they do, so I will know what I need to clean. Life gets in the way of a spotless house. I'm not sure I want to do much about that. Before children everything was cleaned and spotless, life has taken on a different glow or layer of dust I should say. Hope no one is allergic. Got to go make an attempt.


Deena said...

ack! I've figured out that the hardest part isn't the actual cleaning part. That hard part is the finding somewhere to put all of the stuff.

Physcokity said...

Depends on what you want to clean and how clean you want it...although not much works as well as the good 'ol elbow grease. ;)

But you wouldn't believe what I have learned in my years at school.