Monday, July 7, 2008


Life is full of little frustrations. All of which we can learn from. We can learn to be frustrated and upset or knuckle in and take care of things. Life here on earth is a proving ground. We have the freedom to do with as we will.
I see my young grand children constantly testing the line, so a teaching ground can take place in their homes. Allowing their parents to teach them to pray and to love. It is wonderful to see. Yes, even the challenging days. They're all wonderful to me.
As adults, we are expected to just suck it up. Of course, with a Christ like attitude. I've been doing a lot of reading lately about the temporal experience and dealing with the frustrations of life. I even had opportunity to tell someone the other day, "you can do anything for 3 months, it's going to be over and then on with other things". If that is the case, then all things are for our good and learning and growth.
No matter how long the frustrations of life beat you down you only have to get up one more time. Sometimes that is easier said than done. But the only alternative is not an option.
I've come to know that life is full of challenges and each individual has their own challenges and growth that needs to be done. All in all, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His true church can help us rise above the human experience and face it all with a smile. Sometimes I have to fake it until I make it, but that is OK too.


Coordination Queen said...

well said. i've looked at the challenges as little pot holes on my road of life... some are bigger than others and you have to get out of your car and pull it out, but you keep on driving... let's just hope that the gas prices don't keep increasing. :)

Deena said...

Getting through something as long as you know that it is going to end is a lesson I will always remember. I might not be good at it, but I will always remember it.

Physcokity said...

yes...still there...