Saturday, June 21, 2008

Twirly skirts

Remember the day back in the early 90's I guess when twirly skirts with leggings were all the rage? My youngest daughter had an entire closet/drawer full of "twirly skirts". She "had" to wear them everywhere. I remember this one time when she was 4 or 5 and we were at a swim team banquet and she did not have on a twirly skirt. You say, "so?"
Swim team banquet includes music and dancing after awards are handed out. The music began and all the kids and adults started to dance except "twirly girl" (we will call her). When I tried to encourage her to participate, she told me she couldn't dance. I answered yes you can just try and she insisted she had to have her twirly skirt to dance....
Yes, I went home to get a twirly skirt and guess what she can dance and twirl. She hasn't stopped dancing yet. As she got older she changed her dancing skirts for some blue and white stripes. :)
This same twirly girl came home for some time this summer and I was making her some dresses and yes out of her mouth came, "I want the skirt to be flowy on the bottom." Sounds like she is in the mood for some twirly skirts again.
So twirly skirts for the twirly girl!


Deena said...

Maybe she wants me to crimp her hair and do her makeup again too!

Coordination Queen said...

Do you think she'll let us fix her bangs?

Physcokity said...

As long as the flowy skirt is blue and white ;) It's the best of both worlds! The other day I remember she was particularly funny and I said today would be a blue and white striped day if you still wore it.

She thought about it for a second and said yep.