Friday, November 9, 2007


Have you ever counted how many different products you use on yourself when you shower? Face cleanser, shampoo, conditioner, soap, shave gel(for rare occasion), then moisturizer, face moisture, eye drops, toothpaste, extra moisture (aging takes more) hair products (that may consist of 2-3). Then when you move to the makeup level, makes the head swim! On a regular day I've counted about 10 products(chemicals) and makeup days I loose count. Makes me think of that movie the Incredible Shrinking Woman with Lilly Tomlin and Steve Martin. It's to bad rubbing creams and moisturizers on doesn't make you shrink, I could use some of that.


Coordination Queen said...

And dad still takes longer to get ready?!?! How many products does he use?

Physcokity said...

lol hahaha

Deena said...

I was just talking about how long dad takes to get ready. So funny.

I have thought about how many products we have. A different soap and a different moisturizer for every part of our body. But I'm grateful for them. I had to wash my face with Irish Spring over the weekend. ick.