Thursday, February 26, 2009

How fast is fast enough?

To this date I am able to turn out sewing and costumes faster than anyone here in town, not bragging....that is a fact.

Today I moved things around in my sewing room to make room for a sewing machine that sews three times faster than the one I've been using. Does that mean I can work 3 times as fast? I've got four days to see if I can tame the thing.

I hope so, then I get to do some other things in all my spare time.

Stand back and watch the costumes fly out of here!


Methodical Wormer said...

woohoo!! I hope it does make you 3 times faster so you can get 3 times more sleep and get sick 3 times less:)

Coordination Queen said...

Wow, I'll have to steer clear of that one. Your other fast one intimidates me already... good luck with taming the beast!